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I am originally from Ireland - a heritage I am extremely proud of. As an immigrant, I am grateful for the many opportunities I have had available to me in the United States, especially my education.  I have been working with executive leadership and in personal and professional development since 2002.


I partner with VC firms, hyper growth technology startups and non profits to build resiliency and increase effectiveness. Together we identify unique strengths and value. We also lean into counter-productive patterns and processes that undermine leadership and organizational health. Common organizational themes include: Decision-making rights, Accountability, Unconscious bias, Equity, Trust and Safety, Empowerment and Cultures of Silence. In our work together, the process is the product.

I work with team dynamics and in 1:1 Executive coaching sessions to define goals, foundational areas of strength, identify skills / experience gaps and take action steps that ultimately lead to transformation. Common individual coaching themes include: Leadership, "Voice", Confidence, Unconscious bias, Communication, Conflict resolution, Delegation, Ability to drive stakeholder alignment and more.  I am a confidential thought, accountability, and growth partner. I am particularly passionate about working with individuals who have typically been underrepresented in leadership positions and with organizations that are fundamentally committed to integrity, transformation, transparency, and difference.


With a background and education in International Development, Psychology, and Coaching, I bring years of experience focused on how, when, and why we change both as individuals and as organizations. I have been a Partner for almost 2 decades in 2 well regarded Silicon Valley executive search firms where I recruited top 2% leadership to C-level and VP level roles for disruptive technology companies.


I have a Master’s degree and am a Ph.D. abd in International Relations with a focus on Women and Development in Sub-Saharan Africa and a Master’s degree in Psychology. I am a graduate of California Institute of Integral Studies, University of South Carolina, Columbia, and Furman University where I was awarded Phi Beta Kappa. In addition, I immersed myself in 3 years of advanced training in trauma from the Institute of Somatic Experiencing to better understand its impact and its resolution and, I continue to study with The College of Executive Coaching. I have had a Mindfulness practice since 2004, am certified in the administration of the EQ-I and EQ-360 emotional intelligence assessment tool, and qualified to administer and trained in a number of additional Level B psychometric assessments.


Together, what all of this means is that I have committed my life to understanding people and partnering with them to achieve goals that positively impact their lives.


As you think about how we might work together,

I invite you to read a little about me .



How are you stopping yourself from succeeding?

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.


                                     - Marianne Williamson

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